It's about this time of year that we need something to get us through the rest of winter. Looking through seed catalogs dreaming of the approaching growing season helps, but what if you want to grow something NOW? Forcing spring bulbs is an easy cure for that gardening itch. It's especially simple to coax hyacinth's fragrant blossoms to make an early appearance. These hyacinth bulbs have been chilled and are ready for forcing. Choose your vessel. Hyacinths can be forced in water, so choose a vessel that has no drainage. We love the versatility of these Weck canning jars. Each will hold 3 hyacinth bulbs. You'll need small stones and preserved reindeer moss. Begin with a layer of small stones. Place bulbs on top of the stones. Tuck bright green reindeer moss between the bulbs for spring color. Add enough water to touch the bottom of the bulbs to encourage root growth. Check water level daily. Place in a warm bright spot and watch them grow!
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