12/11/2014 1 Comment Potting AmaryllisThis Christmas give a growing gift. Amaryllis bulbs are easy to pot and care for. They seem to grow daily as they send up flower talks that burst into several trumpet-like blossoms. Begin by soaking the roots in warm water for 30 minutes. Choose a pot that is slightly larger than the bulb. We used a 6" pot. A coffee filter placed over the drainage hole will hold soil but allow water to drain. Fill the pot half way with potting soil. We used Baccto Lite. Place the bulb on top of the soil. More soil may need to be added so the top of the bulb is slightly higher than the top of the pot. Fill soil in around the bulb up to it's shoulders. Water it in. Add decorative moss and pine cones for holiday flair. As the flower stalks grow, they may need help staying upright. We added curly willow branches for stylish support. Place in a bright warm spot. Water as needed to keep soil moist. You'll have beautiful blossoms in 6-10 weeks.
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